Wednesday, February 24, 2010

haloo my valued customer

tenkiu sbb bagi support kat sy...setakat nie dah 3 batch lens sy order n post kat customer n so far xde masalah....n penghargaan nie saya tujukan khas buat semua customer sy yang sedia menunggu n sentiasa bg sokongan..thanx u olll.....laen kali leh order lagi oke...ngee ;)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Model2 style n cun with GEO LeNs

CK105 - support power

CM 835 - support power

CM 835 - Support power

Nudy blue- support power

CM 832 support power

CK 105 support power

Honey wing - support power

honey wing

CM 904 support power

Angle brown CM 834 support power

CM 903- support power

NUdy grey - CH 625 support power

CH 621 x support power

CH 623 Xsupport power

Angle brown CM 834

NUDY Brown CH 624 support power

Friday, February 5, 2010

kawan-kawan2 jom tengok lensChAntek kat bawah nie..

@10 Tion:

  1. Semua Lens adalah original 100% diimport dr Korea
  2. Dengan penjagaan rapi, Lens bleh tahan selama 1 TAHUN.
  3. Disarankan utk pakai lens selama 3-6 bln,tp kalau nak pakai setahun, kenala jaga elok2,sentiasa rendam dgn lens solution.
  4. Goods sold are not refundable.
  5. Harga tak termasuk kos penghantaran.
  6. We are not responsible of any problem, infection or any injury of your eyes(BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK)
  7. Pictures shown may differ from reality (color effects)
  8. We are not responsible if ur item is missing/broken during delivery process


Once you received the lenses, u might be wondering on how to open up the bottle. right? Below is the picture of the bottle, and the steps on how to open the bottle...Good Luck!

Produk-produk GEO:

  1. Magic color lens (most wanted ^_^)
  2. Conventional soft contact lenses (xde color)
  3. Magic Circle lens
  4. Animation lens
  5. Crazy Lens

Geo won't produce any -0.25 degree lenses from now on as it's not much difference as 0 degree lens.
Degree available for Geo lens are:

-0.00, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00,
-2.25, -2.50, -2.75, -3.00, -3.25,
-3.50, -3.75, -4.00, -4.25, -4.50, -4.75, -5.00, -5.50, -6.00, -6.50, -7.00, -7.50, -8.00, -8.50,
-9.00, -9.50

We do not support power lens for these models:
CH 621,623,932, CM 721~5, YH 301~6, ALL ANIMATION & CRAZY LENS


XCH624 (BIG NUDY BROWN)- 14.8MM diameter-( 0~1000 power)
XCH625 (BIG NUDY GREY)- 14.8MM diameter-( 0~1000 power)

HC104 (14.0mm) power (0~1000)
HC105 (14.0mm) power (0~1000)
BS202 (14.0mm) power (0~1000)
CC304 (14.0mm) power (0~1000)

Price are still the same: RM40 for pre-order =)


GEO Magic Color soft contact lens provides variety of design patterns and colors to meet the needs of global customers both of Western and Oriental.
These lenses will present you wonderful, mysterious and attractive eyes of which you can be proud.

Angel color 2tone- RM37/pair

Model with CM 833

Fresh color 2tone Rm 37

Nudy color
2tone Rm37

Wing Series 2tone Rm 37/p

Model with blue wing

Model with honey wing

Magic color
2tone- Rm 37 3tone rm40

Twins 3tone RM40

CLE LENS- RM37(normal) RM40 (ultra)

Model with CK105

Model with Ultra UCK 105

Difference between CK105(left) and ULTRA CK 105(right)


Crazy Lens Rm 53

Thursday, February 4, 2010

LEns.. leNS..LeNs....

Ada ape ng contact Lens????

Mase aku mude2 dlu..ak seram betol tengok org pakai lens nie..yelah..melekap je kat mate..xsakit ke??? xterasa cm ade mende masok mate ke?? n xtakut tetido sekali ng lens ke?? memang mcm2 la yang ak pk pendek kate....dtambah ak rase ak xperlu pon pakai lens nie...dah la mata sehat kan...

Tapi bile dah besar, sume tingin..nak lawa la kata kan..tapi masalah nye lawa kah??? hah ini yg kite xtaw..hehehhe...disebabkan keteringin tok memakai lens...hari2 ak g kedai jual lens even ak xbeli pon..asek dok mintak pamplet je..kumpul banyak2..malam2 ak leh tengok2 wane mate mane yang sesuai..HAisyhh..parah2..

1st2 pakai..perhhh..memang sakit..pedih ap yg ak lain ak xpasti..hee..tapi lame2 oke da..terasa cam ade cabaran lam idop bile pakai lens..yelah..kene jaga die..kene rendam..kene bersih..n mcm2 condition la..Kan ke bagus tue..mengajar kite erti kepayahan..hahah *poyo 2 kali*..n sejak tue..ak suke n tingin nak pakai pelbagai wane yang menarik pon ade..tapi cam mahal la..sebulan dah bazir rm50 tok pakai suke2..xke membazir.???.then ak decide..xpelah

biarla ak pakai mate itam ak nie je....*nada hampa*

tapi *nada xcited nie* bile ak dapat taw pasal GEO lens (wlupon ak telambat taw, huk huk)...ak terus semngt balik nak pakai lens...dah la murah..cantik pon cantik..2 lama lak jangka hanyat die..memang berbaloi-baloi lah Celcom kate.....maxis xkate ape2 oke!! adeh..ape ko merepek nie labu..*sory selingan tok diri jap* heee

Hah kesimpulan dari sume cite2 ak kat atas yg xbes nie..ak nak bgtw korg satu je...xrugi try GEO lens nie...,murah, cantik n tahan lama....Lagi pun time mude2 nie la..nak cube sume n melawa..t dah tua xbape ade nafsu nak melawa..dah xdapat merase.. N klu agak2 bosan ng satu warna..leh beli banyak2 warne..ak xmarah..heee...

FUH..jadi ke x blog aku nie.....

Perhhh..tetibe ak kagum kat sape2 yg ade blog n banyak isi lam tue..ak nie ha..baru nak tulis da xtaw ap nak cite..hampeh tol..hehhe..nway..2 bukanla tujuan sebenar ak..ak wat blog coz senang customer2 ak nak tengok photo2 lens..n updated pasal order or ape2la bekaitan ng lens yang ak jual...

nie 1st trial ak as a seller..ak saje2 je..nak rase cmne tanggung risiko..cmne menjadi penjual..yelah selama nie ak je yang beli..hehehhe

n ak harap sangat korang sokong ak n time kasih sangat kat sape2 yg dah support ak , xkire la dr arah mn pon..ak time je..he

Kwn ak tanye nape ak plih lens??
ak ckp sbb ak suka pakai lens..ak ska tgk org begaya ng why not ak jual barang yg ak ska, wlupun da ramai org jual..tapi xpe..adat la kan..ak yg baru menapak nie..kenala belajar n tabah....heheh..poyo sebentar..